Saturday, December 19, 2009

By popular demand...all of us in one last elf video :)

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Visit with Santa

This morning we went to visit Santa. Despite being off-the-wall excited before we got there, one look at Santa brought out the shy side of my sweet boy. Getting a good picture was like grasping for straws...this is by far the best one of the 5(!) they took. Despite the terrified look on his face, he claims it was so fun to see Santa and he can't wait to see him again next year. :)

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Flahsback Friday (Therapy Edition)

5 Months old...look at that chub and baby cuteness!!

Daddy's idea... ;)

Once in a lifetime (for NM) massive snowstorm. We got him all bundled up and just plopped him in the middle of the snow. Needless to say there was no way he could escape.

Bunny ears take year later.

My sister is always joking that she has a therapy fund for Ryan and anytime I make him do something cute or wear something cute that she has to deposit money for Ryan to use in the future. So I thought I'd go back and pull out some oldies but goodies that she definitely feels will be the topic of future therapy sessions.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And because no holiday is complete without elfing yourself (or your child as the case may be!!)...

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The Farmer in the Dell

(Sorry for the bad video quality)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sleeping Elvis

Ryan LOVES these footed pajamas...he'd wear them every night if I let him. But the funny thing is, every time he wears them he zips them down to his waist before he goes to sleep- haha!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Launch Day

In honor of the Delta 2 rocket launch this morning (7:09 MST), thought I'd pull up a blast from the past. These pictures are from the cardboard rocket that Aunt Jenny bought Ryan this summer. I know I've posted the video, but it still cracks me up...he really thought he was going to lift off into orbit! :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009


We had a birthday dinner up at my parents house for Ryan. My train-loving dad got Ryan his first Lionel train set...they have a great time playing with it!

When Ryan first opened up the train, he saw the Lionel logo and knew exactly what it was. So then I tried to get him to say it was a Lionel train on video and this was my result...he said just about everything else before he figured out what I was getting at- haha!